Citrus Picking Day
Today was citrus picking day at Grandma and Grandpa Rhotons. We typically do this New Years Day but Rich had to work. So I took the crew over and we had some fun!! Dylan did not have the fun job-his older brothers were snipping the tangerines as fast as they could and he did get hit in the head quite a few times!
Colton wating for his turn to help. There are only so many pairs of clippers and I did not want him in the tree!
Grandpa Rhoton sitting on a sawhorse getting the tangerines that were lower to the ground. One of the reasons we pick the citrus is I do not want him climbing or putting the ladder next to the tree and climbing it!
Boy, this smells good. When do I get one? Camryn also stood over here as it was farther away from the bomb dropping tangerines coming from the older two.
Colton with the citrus he snipped down all by himself. Each kid cried due to some injury or another. Each kid also asked if we were done yet! I did climb up the ladder to get the citrus at the top, but I hid the camera. Did not want anyone having a camera if I did fall! I am just thankful their tree is picked and now we just have our citrus to pick. But that will be another day as I am too tired and also wore flip flops to climb up the ladder. Not such a smart idea:) At least this only happens once a year and the kids love it that I let them climb up the tree!
It looks like they had fun. I love the smell (and taste) of oranges
I can't believe you hide the camera, you are so bad. If I had been one of your boys I would have found it. Oh well. nice pics and lots of fun. I remember when my Bother was about 2 or 3 yrs old I had to teach him how to climb a tree that was fun.
What great photos! Looks like fun....I wish I had a tree like that in my yard...I would be in citrus heaven! Woo Hoo! That was great of you guys to go and pick the fruit for the Grandparents.
Let me try this again-oops on the last comment I made! We have lemons, tangeloes and ruby red grapefruit trees in our backyard. Kasandra, I hid the camera as I did not want anyone taking a picture of my big rear up at the top of the ladder:) Today is aching muscle day but it was a good workout!
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