Thursday, April 23, 2009


My digital camera broke after 8 years;( Guess it is time to buy a new one as my second son got his arrow of light yesterday and I had to rely on friends for pictures. Which means I am now waiting for her to email them over. I am not too excited how I look since there was a Tball game right before and I was hot and sweating!

None of this has to do with the real reason I am writing the post. Now I am past the embarrassemnt I will share:) All the kids were gone to school and preschool so I thought perfect time to take a shower. We have a big master bath with windows that I normally kept shut. I am having the joy of starting menopause (which can go on for years I am told - so not fair!!). I had the air on and was still hot. Decided no one was home so i would just get ready in my birthday suit!!

My Maltese, Snowball, loves to bark. I was drying my hair and heard him barking. He quickly came into my room and sat at my feet, which was weird. He normally will go outside and bark too. Might I add I also have the doorbell disconnected as I did it when we moved in here with the 4 th boy being one. Figured that if someone wants me bad enough they will knock.

Now back to the fun part of the story. I was singing, blowdryng my hair in my birthday suit when all of a sudden I saw cops swarming my back yard! My first thought was they were after me seeing as how the truancy board came to my house( wh0le different story) How dumb was that?! So I grabbed my jammies and went out the front door around to the side gate to ask what the heck was going on. Never occuried to me these are armed men and I should not just go la -de -daing into my back yard! They also had our pool gate open and the one officer shooed the nightgown clad lady with the awesome hairdo back into my house. He finally came to our door and stated the lady behind us had called in a burglary. Let me start by saying this is the same house that karoake's till midnight and I can smell pot drifiting over!

The suspect was apprehended in my pool area. All I can say is thank goodness for the prompt reply of these policemem or that burgalar could have easily ended up in my house since the backyard was unlocked!!! That will teach me to do my hairdrying in my birthday suit in my bathroom. I do believe this incidence has added 10 years to my life!!


Mel April 23, 2009 at 5:53 AM  

HOLY COW!!! Glad you are okay. Keep your side gate locked and keep your doors looked too! Good thing you have that killer watch dog to protect you!!!

Mary April 23, 2009 at 6:57 AM  

Holy crapazoid!

Mom of The Fields Fam Five April 23, 2009 at 11:01 AM  

Be Safe....Lock the backyard....laugh at the hysteria of the moment and then freak out a little....Glad things worked out! I will have to share my story of my car being swarmed by police with guns drawn because they thought I robbed the bank! That took many years off my life.....I still hate banks....

Erin April 23, 2009 at 12:03 PM  

What a crazy story! I would have been totally freaked out too.

rich and steph April 23, 2009 at 1:07 PM  

I freaked out that night as I had too much going on to freak out at the moment. My little 7 lb Maltese has won a soft spot in my heart for being right by my side. Sure, he could not have done much but he stayed by me. Mel, this is like 5 doors down from you!!! What the heck!

Jana April 25, 2009 at 11:37 AM  

Oh my gosh!!!! How freaking. O am glad you are okay. And you dog is a hero for staying by your side.